Preventive Dentistry in Birmingham, MI

Our Approach to Preventive Dentistry

At Birmingham Holistic Dentistry, we take a comprehensive and holistic approach to Preventive Dentistry, focusing on preserving your natural smile and promoting your overall well-being.

WeVenue reception area
Intraoral Scanning
Oral Cancer Screening
PH Testing for Saliva
Microscopic Oral Microbiome Exam
Cleaning & Exam
Intraoral Scanning
Oral Cancer Screening
PH Testing for Saliva
Microscopic Oral Microbiome Exam
Cleaning & Exam
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Stop by and say hi! 👋
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Stop by and say hi! 👋

The Benefits of Preventive Dentistry

Briefly introduce the benefits of the service…

Maintaining a Healthy and Confident Smile

With regular preventive care, you can maintain a healthy and beautiful smile, promoting higher self-esteem and confidence in your daily life.

Improved Overall Health and Well-Being

Preventive Dentistry fosters better oral health habits, leading to improved overall health, including reduced risks of systemic conditions linked to oral health, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Early Detection and Intervention

We aim to detect and address dental issues at their earliest stages, helping you avoid more extensive and costly treatments in the future.


Preventive Services We Offer

Advanced Diagnostics

Cleaning & Hygiene

Periodontal Care

Dental Sealants

All-Tissue Laser Therapy

Mouth Guards

TMJ/TMD Therapy

Advanced Diagnostics

Our advanced diagnostic tools, such as digital x-rays, 3D intraoral scanners, and biological testing allow us to detect oral health issues early, supporting timely intervention and prevention.

Advanced Diagnostics

Cleaning & Hygiene

Professional dental cleanings and hygiene appointments ensure the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains, safeguarding your oral health and preventing gum disease.

Cleaning & Hygiene

Periodontal Care

Periodontal care focuses on treating and managing gum disease. With regular periodontal maintenance, you can regain control of your gum health and prevent potential tooth loss.

Periodontal Care

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants offer protective coatings on vulnerable teeth, such as molars, to shield them from decay and cavities.

Dental Sealants

All-Tissue Laser Therapy

Our All-Tissue Laser Therapy provides minimally-invasive treatment options, promoting faster healing and reducing discomfort during various procedures.

All-Tissue Laser Therapy

Mouth Guards

Custom mouth guards protect your teeth and jaw during sports or nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism), preventing dental injuries and TMJ issues.

Mouth Guards

TMJ/TMD Therapy

TMJ/TMD therapy offers solutions to alleviate jaw pain and discomfort caused by TMJ disorders. Dr. Chirco will help you find the relief you deserve, to enhance your oral health and overall quality of life.

TMJ/TMD Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Can preventive care help prevent bad breath?

Absolutely! Regular dental cleanings and good oral hygiene practices are essential in preventing bad breath and promoting a fresh, healthy smile.

How often should I schedule preventive dental visits?

We recommend regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months. However, your individual needs may vary, and our team will create a personalized schedule based on your oral health condition.

Are Preventive Dentistry services suitable for all ages?

Yes, Preventive Dentistry benefits patients of all ages. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each patient, from children to seniors.